Outputs: Synthetic refrigerant co-design project
Aim: To examine ways to extend the ability of Recovery’s voluntary product stewardship programme to avoid environmental harm from ozone depleting gases.
Synthetic green house gas refrigerants (CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs) are some of the world’s most harmful but least talked about climate change causing products. CFCs have a significant impact on the depletion of the ozone layer and CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs contribute to climate change. The nature of these refrigerant gases requires special disposal to mitigate their contribution to global warming.
Since 1993, the Trust for the Destruction of Synthetic Refrigerants (RECOVERY, now operating as Cool-Safe), a voluntary product stewardship programme, has been collecting and disposing of these ozone depleting substances used in the refrigeration and air conditioning industries. End-of-life refrigerant disposal demand is growing and it is forecast to continue growing over the coming years.
In 2019 the Trust, on behalf of its members, sponsored a project that looks at how to address this demand through product stewardship with 3R as the project manager. You can read the reports from this project below.
In 2020 the government declared synthetic refrigerant gases a priority project. Consultation on regulations was held in 2022. Cool-Safe has now applied for accreditation for the scheme.
Milestone two
Situational analysis data collection and GAP analysis
This is the first report by the Working Group and outlines its findings about the:
- Current life cycle of SGG refrigerants within New Zealand;
- Data that is currently available and would be needed for stewardship of SGG refrigerants; &
- Current legislative and regulatory controls on SGG refrigerants
Milestone three
Identify options for mandatory product stewardship
This milestone includes two reports by the Working Group which outline:
- Options for mandatory product stewardship;
- Cost benefit analysis; &
- Scope for industry credentials.
Milestone four
Develop guidelines for mandatory product stewardship
This milestone includes two reports by the Working Group which outline:
- Guiding principles for preferred industry stewardship solution &
- Product Stewardship Scheme training overview
The working group
David Nicholls – IHRACE (Institute of Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers)
Rodger Wyatt – Beattie Air
Rob Morgan – CCCA (Climate Control Companies Association New Zealand)
Ivan Tottle – Chemiplas
Peter Hutson – HPSA (Heat Pump Suppliers Association)
Leo Mortimer – Motor Industry Association Incorporated (MIA)
Ian Baggot – Motor Trade Association (Inc.) (MTA)
Carl Easton – Temperzone
Harry Dodson – APIA (Automotive Parts Importers Association)
Darren Patterson (Project Manager) – 3R Group Ltd
Malcolm Yorston – Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association Incorporated (VIA)
Where to next
Cool-safe has now applied for accreditation of the scheme.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) impacted by this work
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals