Our work: paint and packaging product stewardship
Aim: circular economy solutions for paint and packaging supported by the whole industry – and their customers.
What we’re doing
We’re leading a co-design project with the paint industry and its stakeholders to create a best practice product stewardship scheme.
Why we’re doing it
A circular economy for paint and its packaging means we reduce the need for virgin materials and the risk of environmental harm from the products.
We’ve been working with individual companies on their paint and packaging stewardship since 2004.
Industry members recognise that a scheme that all stakeholders are behind will do more than meet the government’s requirements for plastic packaging. It will also improve the recycling of metal paint cans and help innovate new uses for surplus or unwanted paint.
Who’s involved
3R has been contracted by PaintMan (New Zealand Paint Manufacturers Association) to lead the project. The working group is made up of a wide group of stakeholders to make sure we get a range of input into getting the scheme design right.
Working group members:
- Independent Chair – Karen Titulaer
- 3R Project Lead – Steve Nicholls
- PaintMan – Neil Debenham
- PACT Group – Elaine Tippett
- Bunnings – Sharon Mimilo
- Dulux New Zealand – Heather Goode
- PPG – Tim Martin
- Ixom New Zealand – Caroline Gin
- Master Painters NZ Assoc. Inc. – Paul Hallahan
- Mitre 10 (NZ) Ltd – Julie Roberts
- Resene Paints Limited – Karen Warman
- Hempel Group (Wattyl) – Luke Tierney
- Christchurch City Council – Alec McNeil
Milestone 1:
Establish Working Group & Advisory Groups, define scope of the proposed scheme, gather market information and current practice.
Milestone 2: Circular economy
Identify areas where circular processes may be applied, discuss with affected parties and make recommendations for alignment with circular economy principles and product stewardship best practice.
Milestone 3: Feasible options
Identify and explore feasible product stewardship options, including environmental, economic and social impacts, including high level cost benefit analysis and recommendations.
Milestone 4: Guiding principles
Develop product stewardship guiding principles to ensure a scheme that will address the optimal environmental, economic and social outcomes.
Milestone 5: National programme
Design a nationwide programme to steward waste paint and packaging in line with the agreed above principles and regulation, including marketing and communication strategies.
Find out more about our process, the 3R sustainable futures accelerator
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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) impacted by this work
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Goal 14: Life below water